translated by "lmimkac" (thanks a lot!!)
Seven countries in five years and the US dollar is raising from the dead. Ukraine fulfilled its purpose, ISIL conquering Iraq and Syria, just conquering strategic Koban. Turkey does possum, Kurdistan rejoices. Asad has yet to fall, then comes the Iran and the "New Middle East" will be finished and dollar saved. Or - weaned Russia, China and dependent dollar still petrodollar. So simple!
But first about how the stones fit into a mosaic.
The December's 2014 hit of all pro-Western news media was a celebration of the weak ruble. Low oil prices with the US sanctions enjoying a robust support of Europe took a penalty and Russia is getting where they want her to be - on her knees. I am just wondering about how the situation would have developed, if Yanukovych had signed the association agreement with the EU. Apparently the US would "only" have built up NATO bases on Ukrainian-Russian border and the next process of targeted weakening of Russian Federation would continue in a "moderate" way – by classical color revolutions to remove Putin (this effort is still ongoing and weakened ruble also fulfills this purpose). But Yanukovych did not sign it and action "Ukraine" was performed in a very bloody way. Today, no one in the US or EU cares about that Ukraine is not far from bankruptcy, they are even not interested in having Ukraine join NATO and that is because it was really never about Ukraine. Ukraine is to only fulfill one purpose: to separate Russia from Europe, to prevent Russia from trading with European countries, but above all - to get rid of Europe's energy dependence on Russia. And as we will see later on, that was the most important purpose. And because this should have been achieved at any cost (and how else than through the oil and gas taps on the Ukrainian territory), Ukraine would have paid the price to its strategic location by hook or crook. I say "paid the price" because by joining the EU, no country helped itself and Ukraine especially would not (just remember the text of the Association Agreement not to mention the fact that it would become a territory where all European gypsies would be moved to).
But action Majdan eventually served more than if Yanukovych signed the agreement. Majdan has become a trump-card in the hands of the US and EU and the rest has been arranged by the corporate media. And the world has fancied that Russia is evil and Putin is Hitler and therefore it is necessary to defend him and hurriedly flee from him. There was a reason for the anti-Russian sanctions (secured even by the downed Boeing). One year from Majdan and we are where we are - Russia is almost separated from Europe, sells oil for little and its currency is falling. Thanks to this, the US dollar is just getting a few drops of living water and, seeing how the plans are being met, also optimism into the veins. However, it is not time to celebrate yet, more is coming down the road. We have to have a look at other news that would seem to be saying something completely different, but it is not - it still only and only about the dying US dollar.

Seven countries in five years
And it is all about US dollar for many years. Years ago a plan to maintain its hegemony was laid down and it is about to be finished. Ukraine is part of the finale, like ISIL, Kurdistan, Turkey, currently city of Kobani. Before it was a number of other countries and it is revealed only in hindsight what their place in the mosaic is. Even the September 11 could be seen through completely different optics and I am now convinced that this also was a flint stone but necessary - an event to get a public approval to start. And this plan from its very beginning has a clear goal, see this quotation from one speech:
"In 1991 I had a meeting with Paul Wolfowitz (former president of the World Bank and at that time the second deputy of US Department of Defense, which was a very high position) and I told him that he must surely be satisfied with Operation Desert Storm (Kuwait). And he answered: Well, yeah, but not quite, because the truth is that we wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein and we failed. But there is one thing we have learned - we found out that we can use our military in the Middle East, and the Soviets will not stop us. We now have about five to ten years, to clean up the area from the old Soviet influence before an appearance of a new big superpower that we will be able to challenge us. Subvert the entire Middle East, destabilize it and repaint the map - that was the planned strategy! Ten days after September 11, I was walking in the Pentagon (where else was I supposed to be at that time?) when I was called by the commander of the US coastal waters asking me to come to his office. He told me there that he wanted to let me know that we were going to attack Iraq. Why? I asked him, does it have any connection with the terrorist attacks? Unfortunately, it's even worse. I have just got this Memorandum from the Ministry of Defence. It says that we have to attack and destroy the governments of seven countries in five years. Let's start with Iraq, then we move to Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan and Iran . Is this an official battle plan? - I asked him. Yes, sir! "
This is a quote from interviews in 1991 and the end of September 2001, as described by the US General Wesley Clark in his speech in October 2007. The full speech is known as a video under the unofficial title "Seven countries in five years' [ here ]
Let me once again repeat the words of former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz: “But there is one thing we have learned - we found out that we can use our military in the Middle East, and the Soviets will not stop us. We now have about five to ten years, to clean up the area from the old Soviet influence before an appearance of a new big superpower that we will be able to challenge us.” . And I stress that these words are from 1991! It is not a subject of this article, but – do not you feel that the USA really needed September 11? Already in October, after the attack on the WTC Afghanistan was attacked (and the US is trying to take control of it until present days. It is called an underbelly of Russia i.e. a very sensitive place for Russia) and then everything continued the way we all know.
After Kuwait (An attempt to overthrow S. Hussein in 1991 and confirm that the US can rely on Gorbachev and the Soviets really left USA free hand in this this field) came Afghanistan (October 2001). Next: Iraq (2003 and the overthrow of Hussein), Syria (2011 and a civil war)) Lebanon (strategic territory for Israel and Syria, and the eternal struggle in 2006 Cedar Revolution). Further on, the US got engaged in Africa: Sudan (1996 attacks due to bin Laden's stay in this area, in 2003 uprising). Under the title "Arab Spring" more African countries are hauled into the play: Libya (2011 overthrow of Gaddafi), Egypt (2011 overthrow of Mubarak). Also, do not miss Algiers (1991 overthrow of the President and still under military rule and martial law) and Morocco (since 1999 ruled by a king Mohamed IV., Who has good relations with the US, so we do not hear much about Morocco). Ethiopia is also a friend of the US (in 1991 turned away from the Soviets and became a security guard American interests through wars with neighboring Eritrea). Next Somalia is also in the US viewfinder (entry of the US Army in 2007) and on the opposite side is even Pakistan, a neighbor of Afghanistan and especially Russia (Al-Kájida assassination of Buth in 2007).
I for a long time did not understand the context of the US engagement in these countries. I had the classic explanation that comes to energy sources in oil-rich countries, but seeing Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia and others my understanding was elusive. But it only needed to take a good look at a map:

The European Union and the Arab Spring have the same purpose - to expand the US influence to the East
Put aside oil and we can see another US strategic interest in the mentioned countries. And that is the borders that have come under control of the US to exactly according to their plan close the grip on Russia from all sides. So what is happening in Europe since the fall of the Berlin Wall through the EU, in Africa and the Middle East takes place as the Arab Spring. And when, after a few years since the launch of the plan we have a look at the map, from Northern Europe to Southern Africa, almost all countries including the important seas are under the US control.
The south of Europe could be seen in a completely different light and it is clear why Spain and Greece was never allowed to fall, but instead became the most dependent vassals. Also North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt) as well as the East (Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia - and I can not stop from remarking that it is no coincidence that Sudan was the second African country, where Ebola appeared and that a conference for the unification of Africa in the fight against Ebola took place in befriended Ethiopia. For primitive peoples it just a simple means of obedience and looking out to the Americans as the gods because they "accidentally" have a cure).
When we examine the Mediterranean coast then all around almost (!) all countries are under the US (EU) control and there is no trace of any Soviet or Russian interests. However. up to two (and now actually three) countries. And these are Lebanon, Syria and now even Turkey. Apart from an indication that there are significant oil and gas reserves in the waters around Greece and Cyprus, the Black Sea is considered a strategic transit and military area where the US plans are only being dented by Lebanon and Syria; but more on that later.
When we go further on to East Africa, we see that the US has control of the whole Red Sea, because the other side is controlled by Saudi Arabia and Israel. And by controlling the Red Sea they also control the Arabian Sea and the Suez Canal!

The "New Middle East" and "Seven countries in five years' project goes according to the plan, and before there is a grand finale, which will be Iraq, Syria and then Iran, they are trying to to disable Russia by bringing NATO bases close to its borders (hence the involvement of Ukraine, Afghanistan and Pakistan) as well as working to make Russia not economically grow but by far the best option would be to get it economically collapse. And all that is to at any price prevent Russia from rising up to be a competing superpower. And that is the reason for low oil prices in collaboration with the Saudis...
The next map clearly shows why Ukraine is so important and why Putin has gone too far by letting Crimea join Russia. The plan was to have Ukraine and with it another sea, this time Black Sea full of NATO bases and to become part of the US-EU border with Russia. Ukraine should have been "completed" before Turkey becomes the next; Turkey is planned to have a role of alias Ukraine and the main role next to Syria and Iraq. When you walk through the map from the north to the south through the lens of the EU member states and the optics of the Arab Spring, you can see that the plan has progressed a lot since its launch. All of Europe including the countries of the former Soviet Union is united in the EU and now militarily and economically under the influence of the United States, from Norway down to Georgia and Azerbaijan - Ukraine and Crimea, and the whole Black Sea is still being worked on. The entire North and West Africa is under the US control, but the only obstacle in controlling the whole Mediterranean Sea and the whole Middle East, is now Syria and Iraq. And currently Turkey is a country of a paramount strategic importance! Turkey is a neighbor of Syria, Iraq and Iran and has good relations with Russia. And it is so close from there to Crimea, just across the Black Sea. Moreover to Russian Crimea not NATO Crimea. And that is what Putin has committed the most for what he cannot be forgiven (he betrayed the NWO). The Black Sea then has become far greater obstacle than it was expected to be in relation to the role of Turkey.

Turkey is namely a fundamental point through which Europe is planned to become energy independent of Russia or respectively to put aside Russian energy resources from the European reach. It is thus killing two birds with one stone, because both are desirable.
Putin canceled South Stream, petrodollar is on the rise
I started the article with the hit of the December 2014 news that the ruble was weakened. But the bigger hit should be a different December report such as a statement that Putin was to cancel the completion of the South Stream project. In other words – Russia would not deliver gas to Europe via the south route (via the Black Sea) (the northern route, Nord Stream through which the Russian gas is delivered to Germany, is up and running). South Stream was expected to cross the Black Sea to Bulgaria, via Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria in northeastern Italy with branches to Croatia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey. Its construction was decided in 2010 and should have been completed the year after. After the Russia-Crimea reunification the US-EU decided to push Putin via South Stream. How much from the Crimea-Russia reunification did the EU scream that South Stream is legally wrong. How much did the EU threaten Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria that the construction must be suspended! Hungary was the most criticized for waiting with the work suspension to the last minute, while Bulgaria announced the end already in June - "The Bulgarian government at the request of Brussels suspended work on the South Stream" until the final cancellation of the project by Putin himself. And now on to the three-hour conference Putin says that the Russian crisis would last more than two years and that then the world would again need Russia's energy resources. Putin realized that it was whatsoever not about the pipeline or gas transport through Ukrainian territory, but from the beginning it is just and just about shutdown of Russian oil and gas from European markets. Therefore, not only weakened ruble, but especially the withdrawal of Russia from additional gas supplies to Europe is the living water for the US dollar! What the US needs is Europe's energy dependency on other than Russian resources and Russia deprived of energy markets and thus economically depressed.
The South Stream, and I can add is as a complete mockery of the current EU position headed by A.Merkel. It was her who mostly called for the end of the completion of South Stream, she ordered its termination and when Putin declared that the project would not continue (some servers describe this as the pride and pique, others as punishment for Europe, which has no other source, and by 2015 would have not), it was again Merkel, who mandated Bulgaria to require completion! Otherwise she threatened Russia with courts and penalties for failure to comply with agreements not only to Bulgaria but to the whole EU! So, after Russia is economically weakened by the economic sanctions and low oil prices, it is threatened with more penalties for failure to comply with contracts!
Dollar is getting living water and is rising from the dead. Who would think that the reason is the American shales (that Europe counts on), they are mistaken. The cancellation of the South Stream is moving closer to a plan which is currently being executed by ISIL and to the task actually Turkey is supposed to fulfill. The next map shows an area that is being controlled by ISIL. This area spreads through Iraq and Syria (again two birds with one stone?), But in addition, note city of Kobani on the border with Turkey.
Have a look at this Syrian city and Turkey from other key points:

Ukrainian Majdan and ISIL perform the same task - oil and gas
In 2013, Ukraine had to sign an association agreement with the EU, Yanukovych was pressured from all sides and it was believed that by the end of the year it would have been done. Now it is time to focus on the final point of the plan, which is Syria and Iraq. And Turkey. The Islamic State has existed since 1999, but in 2013 it was radicalized. And by some "accident" after May 2013 the US Senator McCain pays a visit to the future ISIL leaders and during friendly meetings he even got photographed with them. Once again see on the previous map the marked area where the ISIL is most radical: Syria and Iraq (in Iraq, especially those areas where oil is extracted) and the border with Turkey – city of Kobani. Throughout 2014, the main events covered by the mainstream media was ISIL - their expansion and conquest of oil terminals. And because Yanukovych did not sign, we also start hearing about Majdan in Ukraine throughout the year. But the situation is such that in the meantime, "Ukraine" task got complicated by not having the Association Agreement signed up (it is currently being finalized at any cost, even at the cost of bringing Nazis to power). The task "Syria, Iraq, Turkey," that was too started in accordance with the plan is running independently of the "unfinished" Ukraine plan. And that is despite the fact that year 2014 brought a complication, which was not foreseen and that is the loss of Crimea. However, Ukraine and equally ISIL are about the borders, about the sphere of influence under the US control, about putting Russia on a side-track and taking control of all Eastern energy resources.
A project about how to get oil and gas to Europe while having Russia completely excluded is already in existence since 2002 and is the Nabucco pipeline.
Caspian carbon to Europe passes through Turkey, Middle East carbon carbon goes to Europe via Turkey. Turkey starring and a big Majdan on the horizon
I have long believed that the aim of Europe's energy independence from Russia promoted by the US and its European slaves is Europe's dependence on the US shales. This certainly will happen because there will be no other alternative to Europe other than to buy expensive American energy - especially when Putin resigned from the South Stream and Nabucco ended in a fiasco. But no American shale have to supply energy to Europe, Europe is to be dependent on Caspian and the Middle East oil in particular. And one fact is that the energy from both the US shale or from the Middle East will be paid for by the US dollar.
Therefore already in 2002 the project Nabucco was founded. It's still an unbuilt pipeline, which should reduce Europe's dependence on Russian gas and oil and it was to bring Caspian gas from Azerbaijan to Europe. Russia sends 120 billion cubic meters of gas per year to Europe and that just across Ukraine, while the capacity of Nabucco was planned to be at 31 billion cubic meters at most. However, if there was also a branch to Iran added, the capacity would be fully covered by its resources only. Since Iranian resources are out of the sight of Europe and the Caspian supplies would be insufficient, Europe in its own interest kept delaying the construction of Nabucco against the US will. However, the biggest problem for Nabucco was Turkey that asked for up to 15 percent of the gas pumped away for their needs. After years of negotiations with the EU Turkey finally gave up this requirement. (Note: Do you also see that when it comes to joining the EU these similarities between Turkey and Ukraine cases are purely coincidental?)
In 2009, when the transport arrangements among Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria were agreed, the signing of an agreement on the construction of the Nabucco pipeline took place. Turkish Prime Minister called it a historic moment and the EU expected that the first gas independent of Russia, comes to Europe as early as 2014. And this despite the fact that - as was said then - "there are still a few issues, one of which the most pressing is the one from which sites the gas would be pumped for Nabucco . " It was counted from the beginning on the Azerbaijani sources, then on the fact that there are another large oil and gas reserves in the Caspian Sea so the production volume would gradually increase. In the summer of 2013, however, came the shocking news: The fiasco for the EU and USA, the Nabucco project ends, Europe would remain dependent on Russian gas.
Instead of the Nabucco pipeline Azerbaijan chose to transport gas to Europe TANAP-TAP pipeline, which would lead to the Turkish border via Greece and Albania and to Italy. The main reason behind was lower capital cost and higher gas prices in the South. The EU and USA were especially shocked and Putin rejoiced. The construction of the South Stream pipeline, although already decided in 2007 and sealed in 2010 - regardless of Nabucco - was in my opinion approved only because the Caspian resources do not have enough capacity needed for Europe and only for so long until Nabucco is connected to other sources of oil (Iraq, Iran, Egypt). Only then the dependence on Russia would fully be achieved. Furthermore, the South Stream praised the fact that the Russian Gazprom would only have a 50% stake and the remaining 50% would be split among the German, Italian and Austrian corporations. And, of course, the South Stream was approved under the influence of high expectations from Nabucco project. And suddenly it was all over.
Under the US influence even after the Nabucco cancellation the EU has not given up on finding ways to expel Russian gas from Europe. Again, after long negotiations with Turkey in the end a month before Putin announced the cancellation of South Stream, Turkish President Erdogan signed final documents needed for construction of TANAP-TAP pipeline. It was agreed in late October 2014 that the construction of TANAP-TAP can begin. The first Caspian gas to be transported this way to Turkey would be in 2018 and from Turkey to Europe in 2019. TANAP-TAP pipeline has been projected to bypass Russia and is essentially similar to Nabucco.

When we summarize projects Nabucco, South Stream and TANAP-TAP the EU still has problems to meet the US wishes to get rid of Europe's energy dependence on Russia. In addition, whether it is Nabucco or TANAP-TAP, Europe always needs Turkey. Turkey is aware of it and dictates the terms, while the EU plays chess with Turkey (this explains not only why Turkey is still not a member of the EU, but it also explains the recent attempts of a color revolution in Turkey). Oil and gas deliveries from Saudi Arabia to Europe, it needs to get in the first place through Syria. Syria is guarded by the Russian interests from one side and it also makes sure the energy flow was not over the Mediterranean sea and on the other side it makes sure it even does not go over Turkey. Syria alongside with Lebanon represents the only setback on the Mediterranean coast and the only country Russia has not left with the post-Soviet anti-Zionist influence. The same problem is Iraq, an ally of Syria (extra full of oil) and also Iran (the largest anti US dollar country full of oil that, however, wants to manage it on their own, not just to feed the petrodollar).
Now we know why suddenly there is such a radical leg of the IS. Why this radical leg is conquering Syria and Iraq, why it is conquering just oil terminals and why exactly rushing to town so insignificant as the Syrian city of Kobani on the border with Turkey. And why Turkey (the second largest army in NATO) suddenly becomes a dead beetle when it comes to fighting ISIL. And why it suddenly becomes an ally, not only of Russia but also ISIL. Turkey has finally understood what was known a long ago - it was to be thrown overboard. And that there is such Majdan ready for Turkey that the Ukrainian one was really just a slight "virus disease". I want to add that country carrying oil and gas have the same luck as those that have oil and gas - from both the profit is benefited and taken by the USA.
All roads lead to city of Kobani and Ceyhan. NATO Alliance on side of Kurdistan
"Battle of Kobani may rewrite the history of the Middle East," a headline of one blog says; in which the author among other things writes: Kobani - a city that a few weeks ago was practically not known apart from the Kurds or the inhabitants of Syria. Now that name inflicts media in all corners of our planet, starting with CNN and Chinese CCTV ending. But why are the allies spending so much effort that costs daily Washington and other countries millions of dollars, while the result is not sure at all?
The answers are few. Kobani, a rural town in which 45 thousand people lived before the outbreak of fighting, is defacto the last bastion of the Kurds, and if the Islamic state conquered it, that would have opened the way to the occupation of the territory along the 1200 km long Turkish-Syrian border . Fatal consequences would then be mainly for the Kurds that the Jihadists kill on sight and cut off their heads.
Victory would also strengthen the position of the Islamic State that sends more and more fighters to city of Kobani. The whole world would have shown that it can not stop raids that involve even the most advanced US fighters . Finally, the IS would gain control of the areas that would be used to send much greater amount of smuggled oil and collect millions more dollars.
Turkish hypocrisy - thousands of Kurdish refugees alongside with Turkish soldiers are every day watching the fight in Kobani. The guns of their tanks are pointing to IS positions, but they do not open fire on them. Ankara, in the past, one of the key NATO allies, is refusing to help the Kurds and attack the Jihadists.
Turkish tenacity in which they refuse to retreat raises further speculation. Why did the IS dismiss dozens of detainees Turks, while the Americans, British and Iraqi journalists are being beheaded and videos of their executions sent out to the whole world? Why did they even dismiss relatives of Caliph of the IS held in Turkish prisons or hospitals?And why did 180 Islamic radicals find themselves free, some of whom holding British, Swiss and Macedonian passports and everyone immediately engaged in combat in Iraq and Syria?
Ankara practically did not respond to calls from Syrian Kurds for help. Even the United States failed to persuade Ankara to at least give its air bases to strike against IS. To this day they have start from Bahrain, Qatar and other countries in the Arabian Peninsula.
The massacre of Kurds, who are connected to the Kurdistan Workers Party PKK, in Turkey banned and called a terrorist group, plays Turks into cards. Therefore, Turkey has criticized the US supply of arms and ammunition to the Kurds in Kobani. Conversely Ankara lets the leading members of the so-called Syrian opposition, whether they represent a Front al-Nusrat - al-Qaeda in Syria or even Islamic State, drink in coffee shops in Istanbul.
"Turkey as NATO and IS ally – is a shame of the alliance. The Turkish government has repeatedly indicated publicly that they would not cooperate with NATO in case of possible military action against ISIS until the Jihadists would not start conquering their own borders. And if someone else has the feeling that perhaps the IS would invade Turkey, they will surely be disappointed. Turkey, on the contrary subtly reinforces alliance with ISIS and did not allow NATO forces mobile base on its territory. And if it's not far enough to the media and intelligence agencies to start examining whether Turkey was committing war crimes, it is at least to to wonder what Turkey can do against NATO itself.
Turkey has for weeks been releasing prisoners - orthodox Muslims or even directly IS members in exchange for Turkish men captured by IS. Among other things they freed a Muslim who murdered in Northern Europe and was caught in Turkey. Turkey that is trying to cover for a genocide from the beginning of the last century perhaps subtly expresses his gratitude.
ISIS with Turkey agreed upon building an embassy in Turkey. So by doing so Turkey has recognized IS as an official and full-fledged nation. With its own actions that are effectively going against NATO Turkey goes even further. Turkey and IS on its borders do not let the Kurds enter city of Kobani. Turks alongside the Islamists do not let the Kurds neither with water nor food across the border to city of Kobani. An adequate reaction would be to exclude Turkey from the alliance and suspend all negotiations on joining the club with the EU. There would come even greater influence of Islam in Europe with it.
It's a mess, and who in fact could understand it? Nevertheless, it is quite simple - the US decided to sacrifice a good chunk of Turkey's territory in favor of a new Kurdistan. Turkey borders as they are, would not be valid anymore and the Kurds living here in Syria, here in Iraq and Iran, and also in a great part of Turkey, should have their new great and officially recognized state at the expense of reduction of Syria and especially Turkey and division of Iraq. The emergence of Kurdistan is a goal. Kurdistan, which would be thankful for the expansion of their country so that it would not oppose to oil and gas transits in any direction as it has been done by Turkey, and would become subservient to the US. Turkey, as well as Ukraine pays for its strategic position and as well as Ukraine faces a choice to either sacrifice a piece of their land for the establishment of Kurdistan or prefer to ally with ISIL. Which evil is easier to cope with for Turkey to make a stand against after having the USA forcing it (like Ukraine) to the necessity to choose from?
It is, from early beginning, perhaps obvious to IS leaders that they are supposed to meet the US interests and once a complete breakdown in all the three mentioned countries is achieved, NATO would stop from pretending that it has no power to defeat them and that all the promises (including the Islamization of Europe) are just a grass field. Indeed, even now we can hear from all sides that "the greatest danger for the world is an Islamic state". And maybe the IS is following this game to get something for themselves. And the IS might know that it is just a matter of time until NATO in alliance with Kurdistan attacks the same Islamists, with whom they are pretending an inability to militarily cope with (which is especially an obvious fact).
What was a friendly meeting with Senator McCain future leaders ISIL in May 2013, when today, all NATO alliance have not a bigger problem than ISIL defeat?

And is not there something strange in the fact that NATO, daring to engage Russia, is losing with some ISIL and to help against IS mobilizes and supports the Kurds? It reminds me very much of the support of the fascists in Ukraine. Turkey so far, as well as Ukraine had quite normal life - whether it was any pipeline in question, Turkey has always had links to the Russian source so to Iranian. The focal point of supply to Turkey is town Ceyhan, a city with finished transit routes from the Middle East. City of Ceyhan is located on the Mediterranean Sea, and it is a short walk to the Syrian Allepa. So having dominated Ceyhan it would be enough to remove Assad from power and oil from Qatar and Saudi-Arabia can freely travel to Europe. Ceyhan lies on the same border line as the Syrian city of Kobani. This begs a question: Is an attack on Syrian Kobani way to get to Turkish Ceyhan and thereby control the border with Syria and Turkey to break the two obstacles in the way of the Middle East energy to Europe? Because why to wait for TANAP-TAP pipeline when you can cancel Turkey and Syria in its present form and establish Kurdistan on the part of their territories and the Middle East carbon path to Europe would almost be complete. And why do not send Qatar, Saudi-Arabian and Israeli carbon to Europe just by getting rid off Assad, take advantage of Ceyhan city and the route to Europe would almost be finished. What it is really all about is Kobani and Ceyhan and the Syrian-Turkish border.
Here is also a video where you can again see the map of ISIL operations around Kobani and you can hear Pentagon stating that American air strikes can not save Kobani from its takeover of the government of ISIL, although there are unspeakable crimes against humanity waiting for the people in this country, until ISIL wins.
Syria, Iran and Turkey know about the plan since 2006
Now I have to return to the very beginning and recall a video, in which Wesley Clark, in 2007, delivered his speech "Seven countries within five years." Here is a link [here ], and this time I suggest time at around 5:55, where W. Clark says, "And that's why we collapsing in Iraq. Because Syria and Iran are aware of this plan "
I do not know what motives led W. Clark, the former Pentagon's slave, to his speech. There might really be a change in his heart and he really meant it. But his speech raises doubts about the fact that it was delivered a year after maps from 2006 to redraw the borders of the Middle East leaked to the public. These maps also reached Turkey leaving it in a deep shock.
Here are the maps plotting the borders of the Middle East Before and After:

See that Kurdistan that has taken a part of Turkey, Syria and Iraq? And who entire NATO is helping fight ISIS?
The US dollar is rejoicing prematurely
If Syria, Iran and Turkey know the plan from 2006, s Russia certainly knows about it. And quite possibly ISIL leaders also know about it. So we created a classic situation where two are fighting and the third can laugh. The US want to defeat Russia and want to remove her from the position of a global player. And how else then through the energy resources. To do this, the US needs to not only push Russia out of energy markets, but also own a maximum of world energy resources. Why, it's simple; whoever wants to buy oil and gas, they must first buy the US dollar. Because there is no other way of self-preservation of the USA that it is being threaten by a total bankruptcy. For its plans to work the US need to dominate the whole of Europe economically, so that Europe could only trade with the US (it is almost done) and energetically so it wholly depends on the resources under the US control - whether it's American-Canadian shale, or Caspian or Middle Eastern source. The ideal would be if China has also become dependent on energy for dollars.
Thus weakened ruble and Putin's resignation from South Stream is flowing blood into the veins of the petrodollar, but it has not won yet. Majdan in Ukraine finished by connecting Crimea to Russia - a biggest upset of the plan. A Majdan in Turkey is currently evolving in such a direction that a country with the second largest army in NATO is not only helpful to ISIL, but wants to recognize the state that already controls most of the Middle Easte energy resources and get it on its side. At the same time Turkey is increasingly leading friendlier negotiations with Russia – and the media commented that Erdogan meeting with Putin is an event comparable only with Crimea-Russia reunification. Well why not? Turkey is in the same situation as Ukraine and the color of the Black Sea got a completely different shade after Putin was received with royal honors in Turkey.
Unfortunately what that means for the world is anything other than that the US will resort to harsher means than the nazification of Ukraine, Kurdistan or muslimification of Europe or the Middle East to achieve their goals. And Putin will resist. And it looks like Turkey will defend itself too. The war to save the petrodollar is already on the way and USA are playing vabanque with the world. And stupid Europe is helping the very third time in its history.
Let's follow the developments surrounding Kobani and Ceyhan and watch not only Russian, but also Turkey's attitude. If the country with the second strongest army in NATO decided instead to ally with artificially created enemy of the US and even link up with Russia, there is truly a global Majdan ahead. But what else could be expected from a desperado before bankruptcy the USA is. One American editor in his article, among others, writes: "If the US knew another way to keep global power than war, would long ago have used it. But because of having Russia weakened and China controlled so it develops just as much as it is allowed, no other option exists than the full control over the world's energy resources and having the NATO bases closest to the Russian and Chinese border. As a result the world stands before the great world war to maintain the petrodollar's hegemony. Do you need oil or gas, buy a dollar otherwise forget it. And this is true and especially for Europe, which is fully subdued into the USA services.
The whole situation is very reminiscent of the world after the crash on the NY Stock Exchange in 1929 and subsequent WW II. Even then, the US joined with anyone - Stalin and Hitler promoting genocide from both sides and would eventually join the winner. And today - Christians, Muslims, Jews fight again, the USA needs it!
And finally have a look at the last map [ here ], and notice the position of Israel. It is done in the USA, Europe and Africa and what remains is to control just a little bit of the world on that map. All the "conspiracy" talking about Greater Israel and the Anglo-American-Zionist connection might not seem to be a conspiracy whatsoever.
The purpose of the article is not the view of the Islamists, Kurds and others. The purpose is to illustrate how one country makes what they want of the whole world. And it uses the very same script all the time: "Make the problem and then solve the problem?" or "Use a kick out when used up" until in the finals we are all victims. The main purpose of this article is to show how all the world events are just pebbles in the mosaic of one global power. May God save the world.
Using resources [ here ] and [ here ]
December 29, 2014 - Addition of two very related information:
1) After the collapse of South Stream on December 8 Turkey and Russia agreed to build a pipeline between the two countries, Gazprom already setting up companies for its construction. Meanwhile nameless pipeline is already partially done. Freshly-based company Gazprom Russkaia just lay pipelines along the bottom of the Black Sea and stretch it to Turkey to Greek border. (Black Sea, it again takes on new importance because this probably would not be liked)
2) The title "The fighting in Iraq to help the independence of Kurdistan and the foreign oil companies" - Kurdistan in the last three years (!) has concluded a number of contracts with foreign oil companies, including Exxon Mobil, Total and Chevron oil, and despite the fact that Baghdad is fundamentally against. Kurdistan has managed to prepare large quantities of oil for export using trucks and tankers despite the statement of Baghdad that these are illegal activities. The pipeline for export is now complete and millions of barrels over it were sent to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan , still not for sale. Tankers, containing 2 million barrels of Kurdish oil, waiting for buyers who are afraid to buy because Baghdad wants to sue anyone who buys this oil. The Kurds have an estimated 45 billion oil and planning to export 400,000 barrels per day " [source] . A richest deposits are around the city of Kirkuk, which is to become part of Kurdistan
- Observer -
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