So what are the Russians up to?
I think that these maneuvers have two intended audiences. First, of course, the "crazies" in the West who might seriously be contemplating a conflict with Russia but second, the Russian armed forces themselves whom President Medvedev is trying really hard to convince that the Brezhnev/Eltsin era is over once and for all and that the Russian government is really fully determined to not only restore, but even further develop Russia's military power. For example, Medvedev was recorded talking about this with the crew of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (which is reportedly in need of repairs and upgrades) and this conversation was carried by the Russian military TV channel "Zvezda" for the rest of the country to see:
(sorry for the lack of translation, but the footage really says it all)
Medvedev's words are not the usual empty promise which has been made to the Russian armed forces for over a decade now: it is an official and long-term commitment to take all the necessary measure to secure Russia's ability to defeat threats against it at all levels: from local insurgents (like in Chechnia), to a local war (as in Georgia), to a major war against the NATO alliance (as shown by these exercises).
On the heels of a truly amazing total defeat inflicted on the US and Israeli financed, equipped and trained Georgian military in only 4 days, these recent maneuvers point to a very different conflict scenario: the resolve and capability to take on, if needed, Saakashvili's Imperial patrons and an increasingly aggressive and arrogant NATO alliance.
While none of this is a "full spectrum dominance" a la Neocon, this definitely shows a "full spectrum defensive capability". Hopefully, this message will also be understood by the crazies in charge in the White House, the Imperial Congress and the Pentagon.