
The real America
Do you think that America is what you see in the big cities, with educated, centrist elite who are smart, erudite and surf the web for news?
Who read the blogs and sneer at FOX "news"?
Who can tell bullshit from the propaganda from the truth?
No, my friends.
America, the MAJORITY of America, is 'Married... with Children' land.
Look, it's one of them foreign reporting crews actually showing the REAL America.
Ignorant and proud of it.
Patriotic, which translated means lets bomb the shit out of them Arabs and gooks and hajis (the word should be jingoistic, come to think of it).
Feeling the holy spirit, which translated means that they are brainwashed morons.
Against murdering unborn children, which means that they want those children to grow up to become soldiers and kill Arabs and hajis and gooks... or come home in a casket, or without a leg... an arm... an eye.
And because the American democracy is decided by a few swing states (remember - in our version of - haha - "democracy" - a 51% vote in a state means that ALL of the state's candidates vote for the winner).
Here's the breakdown, from FEC.gov - look up the electoral count - how much each state is worth in a presidential race.
So, while some of the big ones, like Illinois, will vote Obama, the race will be decided in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio (where this video was filmed), Virginia (which WILL vote for McCain).
You see - due to the quirk of the American election system - it is not the educated population who decide who the leader of the world (no, really, this is de facto true) should be.
It is the rednecks - as profiled by the BBC:
During this US election cycle we are hearing a lot from the pundits and candidates about "heartland voters," and "white working class voters."
On the other hand, I can quite imagine their concern, given what's at stake in the upcoming election. We represent at least a third of all voters and no US president has ever been elected without our support.
"We represent at least a third of all voters".
No, he is not exaggerating.
Contrary to the stereotype, we are not all tobacco chewing, guffawing Southerners, but are scattered from coast to coast. Over 50% of us live in the "cultural south", which is to say places with white Southern Scots-Irish values - redneck values.
They include western Pennsylvania, central Missouri and southern Illinois, upstate Michigan and Minnesota, eastern Connecticut, northern New Hampshire…
So when you look at what pundits call the red state heartland, you are looking at the Republic of Redneckia.
We come in one size: extra large. We are sometimes insolent and often quick to fight. We love competitive spectacle such as NASCAR and paintball, and believe gun ownership is the eleventh commandment.
We fry things nobody ever considered friable - things like cupcakes, banana sandwiches and batter dipped artificial cheese…even pickles.
I can confirm the extra large part. I live in a small town now, and the rednecks here are ALL, without fail, men and women, sporting triplets pregnancy bellies.
No, I am not exaggerating.
These people are huge.
They are triple the weight of an average European (UK fatsos excluded, as they admire America so much they adopted the junk food culture totally).
And most of all we are defiant and suspicious of authority, and people who are "uppity" (sophisticated) and "slick" (people who use words with more than three syllables). Two should be enough for anybody.
This is a key quote from the article.
This is why Palin's homely speech (American moron speech) is a hit with these guys and gals - they can't stand somebody who is edumacated and too smarty, too uppity.
Smart kids were beat up at school for being different and fake and fags.
Intelligence, erudition, manners - that is anathema to these... people.
A college educated person is someone to be suspicious of. After all, surely they are godless and want to kill babies. Librul elite! is a warning cry for the rest of the herd to close ranks.
If you have not seen the movie Idiocracy, I heartily recommend you buy it, rent it, steal it - and watch it.
You will understand when you see it, that America is doomed (seriously, you HAVE to see that movie).
And that is one of the reasons that, mystifying as it is to the outside world, John McCain's choice of the moose-shooting Alaskan woman with the pregnant unmarried teen daughter appeals to many redneck and working class Americans.
You might think that this is a joke, but it is not.
I talked to a bartender girl (who is below 21, by the way) some time ago.
The local scoop is, half of the local high school graduating class was knocked up and spitting babies like no tomorrow.
Half of all the senior graduating girls.
Of the WHOLE local high school class.
We all understand that there is a political class which dominates in America, and that Sarah Palin for damned sure is not one of them. And the more she is attacked by liberal Democratic elements (translation: elite highly-educated big city people) the more America's working mooks will come to her defence.
Again, being stupid is OK - that is why Palin is "one of us".
Calling somebody stupid, as in "My god, you cannot be this moronic, this much of an idiot, and seriously think you are qualified for the position of the vice fucking president of the Yoo Ess Ey?!" is bad.
After all, in a crowd of inbred retards, you cannot call someone "an inbred retard".
Because the crowd around you at a bar might take an umbrage.
Her daughter had a baby out of wedlock? Big deal. What family has not?
Mine has not, bud.
My family, the atheist, non god believing, not church going, has never had an abortion (we use condoms, you see), and has never had a baby out of wedlock (those condoms again).
Meanwhile, you fill your women with more than the holy spirit it seems, when you people get drunk and out of your mind Friday night and howl at the moon (yes, I have seen that too - there is not much to do in a small town on a weekend night, except drink and fuck).
She is a Christian fundamentalist who believes God spat on his beefy paws and made the world in seven days? So do at least 150 million other Americans.
This is another key quote.
You see, 150 million Americans are certifiably INSANE.
Bat shit crazy.
Living in a delusion.
And yes, they really believe that dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans, as it was written in the bible and as it is shown in the Creation Museum - aka crazy land (you HAVE TO click this link).
Finally, the BBC article concludes with this:
Ultimately, the Scots Irish have had more of an effect on the American ethos than any other immigrant group. Here are a few you will recognize:
Belief that no law is above God's law, not even the US Constitution.
Hyper patriotism. A fighting defence of native land, home and heart, even when it is not actually threatened: ie, Iraq, Panama, Grenada, Somalia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Haiti and dozens more with righteous operations titles such as Enduring Freedom, Restore Hope, and Just Cause.
A love of guns and tremendous respect for the warrior ideal. Along with this comes a strong sense of fealty and loyalty. Fealty to wartime leaders, whether it be FDR or George Bush.
Personal pride in equality. No man, however rich or powerful, is better than me.
Perseverance and belief in hard work. If a man or a family is poor, it is because they did not work hard enough. God rewards those who work hard enough. So does the American system.
The only free country in the world is the United States, and the only reason we ever go to war is to protect that freedom.
I buy that.
I think that he nailed it.
The last two reasons though are such complete and utter bullshit but... that is what redneckians believe.
Add to that a Diebold "miracle" in several key states, mix with some voter purging which is going on...
NYTimes: Ruling May Impede Thousands of Ohio Voters
More than 200,000 registered Ohio voters may be blocked from casting regular ballots on Election Day because of a federal appeals court decision on Tuesday requiring the disclosure of lists of voters whose names did not match those on government databases, state election officials and voting experts said.
200,000 voters purged in Ohio, the land of the holy spirit who hates them negro eyerab terrarists.
Pennsylvania is among the states where voters’ named are purged for lists for no other reason than not voting for several consecutive elections.
Did you catch that?
Let me repeat - in Pennsylvania, voters are purged because they have not voted in previous elections.
So much for the get out and vote campaigns, eh?
DETROIT, Michigan, Oct 14 (IPS) - A federal judge ruled Monday that the current practices to purge the voter rolls in Michigan are illegal and ordered Republican Secretary of State Terry Lynn Land to immediately stop the cancellation of registered voters whose voter identification cards are returned as undeliverable in the mail.
The purging of registered voters, many of whom lost their homes to bank foreclosure, in the state of Michigan prompted the federal lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), United States Student Association Foundation and the Advancement Project, and resulted in calls in Congress for a Justice Department investigation.
In Michigan, if you have had your home foreclosed, and your mail is being returned to sender, you were denied the right to vote (were, thank you the great spaghetti monster!).
See the pattern?
These are all important swing states, all states that both candidates MUST win to have a chance at becoming a president.
They have this country by the balls.
Am not a big fan of Obama - but if we must (and we will) have someone who will send more aid to Israel, prostrate himself before AIPAC functionaries and ask what more we can do for their true country, bomb Iran and further destroy the country - I want that president to at least be intelligent enough to hold a conversation with.
On various topics.
International situation.
Whether Sarkozy is a neocon (he is).
Why Canada's 60% population voted for liberal parties and yet Conservatives won the election (Canada's election process is even more fucked up than ours).
Discuss the "bailout" of the stockmarket and what it means, and how it is going to play out.
But these are not topics that rednecks are comfortable with.
NASCAR, baseball, football, "Palin is hot!", "Obama is a terrorist moslem!" are hot topics of conversation right now.
Who would have thought that after 8 years of bush, after 4 of bush sr, after reagan... I now fear for the future of my country more than ever.
I still think Obama will win. I *refuse* to believe that Americans are capable of electing McCain. Not after 8 years of Dubya. And if I am naive, please don't tell me otherwise. Leave me that illusion until Election Day...
The Saker