T - Hello,
K - Are you done talking shit yet?
T - Hello, Igor Valerievich
K - Didn’t you see I was calling you?
T - I didn’t… I quit the other conversation the moment I saw you calling…
K - Where are you?
T - In my office
K - I can hear wind
T - I came out on the balcony so the people who are sitting in my room don’t overhear our conversation.
K - And who is in your room?
T - Our lawyers and Yarik are sitting in there
K - Aaa
T - These assholes don’t want to cut off cities Lugansk “TRK Ukraina” and Donetsk, and we must now come up with a nasty plan for them. [perhaps, Broadcasting Committee of Ukraine?]K - A-ha, understood, understood. Hey, there is that faggot… in a good sense of the word [laughing]… so it’s time to start fucking him up.
T - But he has a direct connection, I know
K - He is Lyovochkin’s special project.
T - Yeah, yeah, fine.
K - Moreover….. fuck! Lyovochkin fucked them all..., fuck….
T - All faggotsK - Yes. Interestingly, in order to straddle Lyashko, fuck, and all the faggots, Levochkin must be, fuck… at least bi[sexual].
T - Aha. Good, good, no question
K - Ok so long.
T - Valerich, can we quickly discuss a couple of questions using the black [phone]?
K - Ok. Bye
T - All right
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Kolomoiskii |
This kind of "proctology of the Ukie brain" is actually very important because it shows that the Ukie media is not somehow "favorable" to the junta, or even "subservient" to it, it is in reality completely owned by this junta, owned like a slave.
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Liashko |
Kolomoiskii cleary want Liahko out of the eastern Ukraine and hence he is ordering Tkachenko to being a campaign to discredit Liashko which, considering the fact that there is an old police video on the Internet showing a young Liashko admitting to being a homosexual and considering that only his immunity as deputy prevented him from being prosecuted for pedophilia, will be really easy.
Considering that Kolomoiskii and Liashko are, with Iarosh, the most powerful men in the Ukraine - at least in terms of firepower - it tell you a lot about the kind of folks Uncle Sam has been using in his war on Russia and the kind of man under whose rule the people of Novorussia are supposed to accept living.
So this is why I feel that I am not exaggerating at all when I speak of a freak show of thugs in Kiev: this is exactly what it is. A freak show.
The Saker