For a while, this left me speechless. Yes, it is "the" Strauss-Kahn, aka "DSK", the serial-rapist, pimp, sexual predator and hyper-Zionist. He and his fellow Zionists were at the forefront of the European Zio-franchise which lead the entire propaganda campaign against the Serbian nation: Bernard Henri-Levi, Andre Glucksman, Alain Finkelkraut (the "Jewish Ustasha"), Marek Halter, Bernard Kouchner, etc. etc. etc.
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Bliss in the Empire |
So yes, I consider that as the ultimate humiliation for a nation which was completely defeated, partitioned and subjugated by the Empire.
But then, I also remember the kind of "advisors" which the Empire kindly sent to advise the Russian government in the 1990s. We can now expect a Camp Bondsteel somewhere near Belgrade I suppose.
The Saker
PS: DSK has also been offered a seat on the supervisory board of Russian Regional Development Bank, owned by Rosneft. Which tells you who is still in control of many, if not most, of the Russian banks, Putin or no Putin.