Sure looks like Jumblatt, a.k.a. the "weather vane", has sensed that the "weather" has changed in the Middle-East.

This long time CIA agent (who also worked for the French and, of course, the Israelis) now is making overtures towards Hezbollah. Having been utterly defeated (both militarily and politically) by the Resistance, Jumblatt is now offering his "support" to Hezbollah.
What is interesting here is that we are witnessing the breakup and self-destruction of the pro-US coalition into mutually hostile and bickering groups. While Hariri is making statements that he will "never surrended to Hezbollah" and Siniora throws in the towel and accepts all the terms of Hezbollah, Jumblatt says that he supports the Resistance.

It will never cease to amaze me how utterly incompetent the USraelian Empire is in selecting its stooges. Think Marcos, Noriega, Saddam, Abbas, Karzai, Pahlavi and, of course, the Hariri-Siniora-Jumblatt trio. Don't they all look like clowns? If it were not for their ruthlessness and the innumerable number of their victims all these USraelian stooges would look hilarious, grotesque, ubuesque.
In a world were Hollywood actors become politicians, most of these stooges should consider becoming actors: they would make us laugh even more, and nobody would be harmed by their antics.