Q. (...) So taking the nuclear question off the table, is there some other kind of military steps that should be taken to save the lives of American troops from Iranian weapons in Iraq?

Q. But one that you may be asked for advice.
A. Absolutely. No, I clearly understand that. Part of the difficulty of — just because it is such a — because the risks could be very, very high and we’re in a conflict in two countries out there right now and I think we have to just give — we have to be incredibly thoughtful about the potential of in fact getting into a conflict with a third country in that part of the world with where we are right now.
So those are some of the thoughts. That is not intended to answer it one way or another except to say that’s a very, very tough problem that I don’t think — I don’t — there’s not a simple answer to. It’s a very, very — it’s one that has extraordinary challenges and risks associated with it.
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